How do you create a digital personal brand?

Expect almost every interaction and representation of you to be similar to those of a job interview, which, if handled with poise, confidence and awareness of your personal brand, will earn the respect of others in any given situation. Creating a specific Facebook page for your professional contacts is a good idea if you want to keep your private life private.

How do you create a digital personal brand?

Expect almost every interaction and representation of you to be similar to those of a job interview, which, if handled with poise, confidence and awareness of your personal brand, will earn the respect of others in any given situation. Creating a specific Facebook page for your professional contacts is a good idea if you want to keep your private life private. Look at just about any successful YouTuber, blogger, or businessman with an online following and you'll see that their personal brand plays an important role in their success. In the digital age, a strong personal brand is required for leadership roles, networking opportunities, and both personal and professional progress.

Personal branding is about building your reputation, creating an image of yourself to the outside world and promoting yourself as an individual. As you would with a trademark, you can now use this personal branding framework as a guide in everything you do, aligning your personal brand online and offline with your best self. So what is a personal brand? How does this fit into the digital age of workplaces? Here's what you need to know. In general, people lean towards positive, like-minded people who are genuinely interested in learning more about them as people and helping them grow in their careers.

Your personal brand is the way they see you on the Internet in a Google search, in media posts and on social media platforms.

digital marketing

Lab is Medium's main publication for articles and content related to digital marketing, blogs, branding, email marketing, SEO and social media marketing. Just as your resume is now a strategic marketing document that should communicate your value and potential (and it's no longer just a list of job roles and responsibilities), your personal brand is where you appear online and on paper.

Victoria Kennet
Victoria Kennet

Freelance food ninja. Unapologetic food practitioner. Incurable twitter nerd. Award-winning coffee enthusiast. Total food expert.

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